Today marked week four for our Classical Conversations group (just 20 more weeks to go!). I think so far this has been the best I've felt about our day - last week was good, too, but, getting into a routine & the little kinks worked out has been a tremendous relief.
I'm busy in the mornings, but, I've been making it a point to stop in Addison's class to see her presentation.
Since I need to be on campus all day but don't yet have kids in Essentials I'm running the afternoon childcare program (Funicus Maximus) for the siblings of children in class - we have 29 kids in the childcare program this year! I've hired on two addition helpers PLUS the mom helper each week.
I really love Funicus, it's my chance to do all kinds of fun projects with the kids. We've made bouncy balls, paper bag trees & last week I used leftover surveying tape from when I was younger & we timed the kids as they bunny hopped through the course. They had so much fun we had to make them stop for their snack!
One of the workers I've hired for the afternoon is a teenage boy - he has such a good attitude & is so thankful for the work & I'm super thankful for the help! He's mature enough to get things done & young enough that the kids really like him. It also makes it easier for me to have the same person with me each week - the mom helper is going with the other hired worker to help with the really little kids.
During morning Foundations we have 10 little kids in our 3 & under tots program. I hired a woman from my church, Esther (aka The Baby Whisperer), to run the program. It's rather chaotic so we've had to pull in two mom helpers each week instead of one. However, after the mom helper has spent her morning in the tots program, they come tell me how amazing Esther is with the kids. One of the little boys woke up from his nap this afternoon & asked if he would get to see Esther again. So sweet! It's been such a blessing to have her there.
We've had great weather so far & have been able to eat lunch outside every week.
Some of the students displays for "Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion." I love that you can really see a students' personality just through the design of their project.
Today I caught Challenge B outside for history & literature. They were having a tea party as they discussed C.S. Lewis. (I snuck some Turkish Delight!)
I'm having a lot of fun & I'm a lot less stressed about this than I was just last week!
It's so nice to see photos of everything I hear you talk about.