Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Heartbeat & Sadness

Last Friday I had my first prenatal appointment at the birth center. Kate had her well-child visit at the same time so Ray took a few hours off of work & took all of the kids to the doctor visit while I went to my appointment. Ray & the kids arrived at the birth center right at the end of my appointment so we all were able to hear the heartbeat of the baby together! (I'm sharing the video from facebook & I have no idea why it's so big on blogger)

The girls were able to help with the set-up & clean-up & they had so much fun. They are getting more & more excited about the new baby! Addison is getting a kick out of inspecting my growing belly & Kate told Ray that she wishes our baby could be here already.

The sad news is that Friday evening my grandmother in Kentucky passed away. It was kind of sudden - she always gets sick a lot in the winter & this time she signed a DNR - it was less than a week later that she passed.

The funeral was today & we really wanted to be there. If it had been tomorrow we probably would've been able to go, it makes me so sad that we couldn't be there with all of the family.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to read about your Grandmother. My condolences. Prayers for wellness for you and your family.

    Can't see your baby video ... but I love reading about your kids' excitement :)

