Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Whew! What a night.

I took off of work 4 hours early yesterday...we packed, moved, packed more, cleaned, & did our last trip over to our new place with our stuff. And it only took us until 6 in the morning.

Oh yeah baby, I'm going on2 1/2 hours of sleep right now. Combine that with my four hours from the night before & I've got 6 1/2 hours of sleep between the past couple of days! I'm so tired. This is why I'm off to the cafe.

Even though I've already treated myself to my weekly store bought Starbucks coffee I don't care. I'm going all out today & getting a venti caramel macchiato. Hopefully that'll get me through to the rest of the day.

And anyone who reads this that goes to chapel here don't expect to see me tnight. As soon as I get home its straight to bed for me (I don't even think I'll eat dinner-I NEVER do that!!!).

The coffee is calling me....

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