Monday, September 08, 2003

I've been doing some research on the NIV version of the Bible. I know some people have a great aversion to it & the only person who reads this that will know why I'm researching this is Matt. With no details attached I was simply confronted by a disapproving "how-can-you-read-NIV" fanatic last night.

I grew up reading that version and we also used it in family devotions. I think my mom got us those translations because when she was a kid she had KJV and for lack of understanding it she didn't want to read her Bible. I'm sure she didn't want that to happen to us so she got us NIV. *

So anyway, with the research I've been doing all I can assume is that those who condemn NIV simply haven't learned anything about it. Maybe they're basing their reasoning on what they've heard others say. I don't know. All I know is that I was even surprised & impressed with what I found out about it & it gave me more confidence in not feeling embarrased about reading that translation. (I checked sites both promoting & condemning it & read up on its history).

I have a parrellel (KJV/NIV) & I read both translations. I find it insightful to compare them & some verses I do like better in KJV. It just bothers me when people look down on someone for reading an NIV Bible (expecially when they verbalize this in a group).

*Note: I know that this wouldn't have necessarily happened as one of my best friends grew up reading KJV and it doesn't stop her from reading her Bible.

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