Monday, September 08, 2003

Great news, the Verizon guy showed up just as I was leaving for work this morning so hopefully we're hooked up to the Internet now. How can it take 4 weeks to send someone out??? Ray's fighting the connection fee its completely ridiculous.

He's also apartment hunting for us. After moving in we found out we're now living in the Ghetto. I never realized how different low-class people think & act. Now, not to offend anyone this is just a generalization. But what would possess you to tie our garbage up in grocery bags & leave them in the parking lot? Or to throw a party on a Thursday night and clap & yell to music that we can hear in our apartment at 12:30 (we don't even share any walls with this place & we could hear them-it was fun getting to call the police though). :)

So what gives? Are these people just not taught common decency growing up? I really ahte packing & moving too. But as Ray mentioned we can either
a. have 3 days of misery moving
b. have 15 months of misery living at this place

I've made a whole list of complaints (so far 4-5 pages) as a record to our apartment manager of everything that's gone wrong since we've been there. I'm hoping it will give us credibility in breaking our lease.

And if you can never NEVER live in an apartment.

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