Monday, September 29, 2003

Let's see...

First off, today I stayed home from work. I called in sick about 8:30 this morning, went back to bed & didn't get up again until 11:30. Talk about nice...a little glimpse of what it would be like to no longer live in the real world.

So thankfully I'm not SICK sick, but you know when you just feel rundown & you know you'l feel miserable being up all day & dragging? That's me right now. Plus the sore throat & beginnings of a stuffy nose. :p

I also had my first marketing research exam tonight. That was a big downer-studying while not feeling well, then driving through rush hour traffic to St. Pete, taking an exam for 40 minutes & then driving 40 miles back home. It was great getting out so early but I spent more time driving than I was actually at class!

I still don't have a book for that class. Textbooks are just a scam to steal money from unsuspecting students. I'm taking 5 classes this semester & I haven't bought books for two of them. And I'm doing just fine without them. So I've probably saved myself over $100 right there. Like I said, its a scam.


On another note I had a great weekend even if I did wear myself out. I wish I would have seen my parents more, but with having the family over & all, plus hanging out with the Nix's for a lot of time, I feel like I hardly saw them.

I did go shopping with Mom, Megan, & my aunt Melissa at Ross. I'd been saving up my clothing money & was specifically looking for sun glasses, clothes for work & dress shoes.

I found a great pair of sunglasses but after getting them home they seem to be sitting rather crooked. Part of me thinks its because my ears are uneven, but I've also had sunglasses that fit just fine. No matter what it is, I think I'm taking this pair back.

My best buy of the day was (drum roll please) a brown suede jacket on clearance for $15!!! I am still so excited about this buy. Its fitted so nicely & I think it looks fabulous dahling. :)

I also had a lot of fun going out with Sara & Megan. Megan paid for me to see "Pirates of the Carribean" again. I LOVE that movie. I'm definitely buying it when it comes out on DVD & now I want to see it in the theater again (wishful thinking).


So that's it for now, or at least that's all I feel like posting. Until next time....

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