Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Well, whatever all these other people have been coming down with seems to have finally found me. I have the sore throat & stuffy nose so I've pretty much been living on the sofa today with my soup & ice cream.

The Friends dvds my parents got us for Christmas have been coming in handy now too. Oh yes, my parents got us the complete 10 season set of Friends!!! Its even in this special box with a pretty magnetic front. I love it!

Ray's dad & step-mom got us a night at a B&B about an hour & a hlaf from here. I think we're doing that next month.

I honestly felt quite spoiled this Christmas. I love the gifts we received, but I'm not used to receiving so many big gifts. My parents didn't spend much on us when we were kids (& what do you know, we didn't feel neglected!) so its kind of weird getting so much now. I think spending a lot is just something that Ray's family does.

Anyway, I think I had the best Christmas since I've been married (not because of all the presents). I guess I finally felt more comfortble with Ray's family than I had previously. It was actually pretty nice.

I'm excited about New Year's because we finally get to spend it with my family for the first time in three years! Yea! I hope we're all feeling better by then & that the party goes well.

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