Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I have been kind of busy lately & very tired. The past few days Ray & I have been crunching down on the business & getting a lot down with that. I really haven't been doing much of the blog thing lately but I did finally get the pictures back from New Year's Eve. Hopefully I'll post those later today.

Last week I don't really remember what I did Monday or Tuesday (seriously, for the life of me I can't remember!) but on Wednesday I went with Rach to Target & we added to her baby registry. It was so much fun! Then we went to Charisse's house & looked at her baby furniture that Rach is going to buy. It was such a great deal!

Friday morning I went with her to the doctor for about an hour & a half for her blood glucose test. And I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! Its all so exciting, I can't believe she's due in March!

Saturday Ray & I went to Erin & Nathan's house for the Bucs game. They had a bunch of people over & tons of food. I made pepperoni bread & brought it over, which probably wasn't needed but it sure did taste good!

Anyone who knows me know what a huge football fan I am (lots of sarcasm implied) so I brought my sudoku book with me & worked on a puzzle while everyone else watched the game. I enjoyed watching & laughing at the normally sane people who periodically would lose control of their vocal cords & various limbs. Have I mentioned that I'm glad Ray isn't into football?

Anyway, Sunday was church & more work. We just have stuff that needs to get down (hopefully we'll finish today) so we've been kind of busy.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm so tired but I have things that need to get done!

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