Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Want to know something truly gross? I appear to have gained five pounds since my vacation in October! ??????????????????????????????????????????

This is the most I have weighed in...about five years, maybe? I know its the most I've weighed since we've been married. Yuck. I'm usually so good about watching what I eat & working out when I'm on vacation & over the holidays, but this time I just didn't care too much. I figured I'd enjoy myself. And I guess I did.

Maybe subconciously I needed a reason to be more motivated to eat right & exercise & that motivation came with the five pounds. But still, yuck.

Anyway, I have some errands to run today & I also need to (you guessed it) work out. I bought two new pilates dvds yesterday in the dollar bin at Target - I love that thing! I hope they're good dvds but even if they're not I will have only wasted $2.

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