Saturday, January 14, 2006

Yesterday I got my floors clean! That's two weeks in a row that I actually swept & mopped all of the hard surfaces in my home. It may not sound that impressive but that's a lot of ground to cover. Last week I swept & mopped my back porch too (it's tile) & I've realized that my back porch has more square footage than all of the hard surfaces in my last apartment combined. See, it is a lot of ground to cover. :)

I also made some chocolate almond biscotti yesterday but ended up burning some of it. It all softens up in the coffee though. :)

For our date night last night I didn't feel like gaining more weight at a restaurant or sitting through a so-so movie so we ate a quick dinner from Wendy's (I only had a baked potato) & then went to Barnes & Noble. As most of you know one of my favorite things to do is to sit there drinking coffee & reading magazines.

Today I babysat two girls at my house while their Dad worked on the new house they’ve bought. They move in two weeks & its incredible how much they’ve done to this place! Ray & I had talked about buying the house & fixing it up but I don’t think we need another project right now. I'm glad his clients ended up buying the place!

I guess the girls were helping to prepare us for kids because the youngest one took a red crayon to one of our walls in the hallway. The good news is that we don’t have both coats of paint on that wall yet, the paint is not flat & most of it came off (it took some of the paint with it though).

I also went to some garage sales this morning & bought a little bookcase for Ray’s office for $5. The guy I bought it from carried it to the car & put it in the backseat for me. I told him he could just set it on the ground & I would take care of it but when I opened the back door he just slid it in, I guess trying to be helpful. When I got home & took the bookcase out I saw that he had torn some of the leather when he put the bookcase in the back. Thankfully, Ray was not upset at all. It’s just one more thing to go wrong with the car & I felt so bad. I prayed a lot & he was completely fine. Yea!

I’ve just made some pizza dough & I’m letting it rise right now. I figure we can do pizza & a movie for dinner. Ray still hasn’t seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind so maybe we can watch that!

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