Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just read Megan's latest blog. Why did she get the creative writing & I got the journalistic version? She is definitely a more interesting read than here at my place. But ya'll must not be too bored, because my stats say I keep enticing you back!

So, Sunday morning I completely ditched church & slept in - at Ray's insistence. He's so kind. I wasn't hearing the alarms go off & the two times I was woken up I feel right back asleep. I was sleeping so deeply that the third time I woke up Ray was kissing me goodbye & I hadn't heard him getting ready or even getting out of bed. So, I did my own devotions at home, showered, & went across the street to Starbucks & enjoyed some coffee with the masses.

On my way out I got a call from Ray & went to meet him, Con & Rach & Nathan & Erin at Olive Garden for lunch. I love their salad & breadsticks!

I did make it to the evening meeting & then went to Rachel's where the three guys had Geek Fest 2006. That was enough to send Rach & I back out to Starbucks. Just imagine, three guys with their computers on the dining room table, wires everywhere, headphones on but yelling at each other to "shoot him!" "grab the flag!". You would have left too.

I also got a couple of unexpected calls Sunday evening. One from Keith, who is now staying with us for a couple of weeks until his new place is ready, and one from Stephen wanting to visit on Monday. He was down from up north & used Allison's car to drive over here yesterday (thanks, Allison!). So, we all had dinner together & hung out yesterday. It was very nice.

I have a lot of work to do today, though. Penalties for taking time off on a work day! :)

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