Monday, January 16, 2006

Well I thought that I would be at church right about now for the special meetings we have this week but I guess Ray has a lot of urgent work that needs to get done so he's still at the office. Now I need to figure out what to do with my now free night.

I do have a craft project that I'm working on right now. I love when I get a project going, its so much fun!

Let's see, tomorrow morning I have my girly doctors appointment. You'd think I'd mind going but the women in this office (its an all female place) are so nice & I always enjoy talking to them. I recommend them to all of my friends who move here & need a place to go.

Right now I really want some coffee. Even though I just had some not too long ago. I think part of it is the cold weather we've been having. I've been drinking a ton of tea too but its really not the same. That's more of the kind of thing that I just gulp down because its good for me, not because I like it.

Anyway, back to my project! And maybe leftover tacos for dinner.

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