Saturday, February 04, 2006

I have less than two days left before I leave for my vacation!!! I'm still not ready, I have a little more laundry to do, I haven't started packing, & I need to pring out some more pictures to take up so that Ruth & I can scrapbook together.

I'm babysitting the Dennis girls again tonight, actually in just about three hours. Ray & I somehow ended up sleeping in until 10:30! today. Keith probably won't believe me if I say we never do that because we accidentally slept in until after 9:00 another morning this week. I've just been so tired, I haven't even been staying awake after my alarm going off. I have been going t bed later than normal though, so that may play a part.

I feel like there is so much to do around the house! So much to do & I don't know where to start. OR, I don't really want to start. :)

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