Friday, February 24, 2006

I keep on wanting to cook something really yummy, but the yummy things I want to cook are bad for you (because that is the essence of yumminess). And I shouldn't be cooking things that are bad for me because I'm still working at getting off that holiday weight (at least I think I am, I'm too afraid to weigh myself right now!).

I want to do something tonight too, but I'm not sure what. Its nice having a free Friday. I wouldn't mind just staying at home & maybe renting a movie.

Tomorrow Ray & I are going to a bed & breakfast about an hour & a half from here. This is the Christmas present that his dad got for us. I'm really looking forward to it! It will be a little weird not going to church Sunday morning but at least its not our month to teach Sunday School right now. And, we'll get someone to make breakfast for us in the morning. That's one of my favorite part about B&Bs. Before you jusge how much I like food you have to understand that its a family thing. Even Gram will tell you so.

Anyway, I need to get m morning going. I had a huge list of stuff to do yesterday & I only really got one crossed off the list - laundry. But, in my defense, I did some other things that weren't on the list. Plus, all of that ironing (men's shirts take FOREVER), folding & putting away takes time. I hate doing laundry, its one of my least favorite chores!

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