Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Before the shower on Saturday the weather warmed up so Friday I did some outside projects. I scrubbed down our patio chairs & scrubbed every single window. We have some abnormally high windows though so I had to use a ladder for most of them. There were also three tiny ones in the front of the house that I was unable to reach, even with the ladder. I'd been wanting to get that project done for quite some time but I had to wait for it to stop being so cold out!

After the shower Saturday I drove over to Orlando & surprised my family. Ray's idea too. I guess he does understand a bit about mental health.

It was so relaxing. I had a horrid headache when I got there & on my drive over I had started dreaming about White Russians. It had been awhile. My headache went right away, so much more effective than pain killers.

My mom & sister were recovering so even though we ventured out to the mall for a bit we seemed to mostly stay at the house & watch tv. Just Like Heaven was very cute & I love watching old Frasier episodes. Plus, there were new Desperate Housewives & Grey's Anatomy's on Sunday night (is it possible for that show to keep getting better?).

I left Monday morning & on my way home stopped at Rachel's. She bought me Chickfila for lunch (yum!) & we watched Frasier (told you I liked that show).

Yesterday morning I babysat Charisse's two girls while she went to the dentist. They are really adorable. Its amazing how observant they are & how much they are able to pick up. We watched Beauty & the Beast (the oldest loves for me to sing along with Belle), went for a walk, played & swung on the back porch. I went home & started mowing the lawn, Rach stopped by & picked up the finished onesies, & Ray dragged me to a meeting about setting goals at his office.

I was really tired & when I'm tired if I just sit & I'm bored I start yawning. A lot. It drives Ray crazy but I'm not doing it on purpose! Its almost like a boredom reflex & I feel so much better once I yawn.

After dinner we went to Barnes & Noble where I indulged my taste buds & tortured my body with a java chip frappuccino. I used to get those once a week but for close to two years now I haven't really been wanting them all that much, I prefer the more real coffee drinks. But lately, I've started craving them again but I have no idea why. It sure did taste good!

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