Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm freezing up in PA! Actually, its not horrible, I flew in Monday morning & walked around some during the day & I wasn't too cold - the wind was biting though.

After only about 4 hours of sleep I had to wake up around 4:30 MOnday morning, I arrived in Philadelphia around 9:00 & we went around the city a little. We saw the Liberty Bell & the congressional Building & then we went down to South Street & ate lunch at a little pub owned by this Irish guy (love the accent). Next we went to Starbucks where they had a second story dedicated just to seating. We sat up there for awhile drinking our coffee, talking & ooking out the window at our great view of South Street. The environment was greatly helped by the music that was playing, too.

We then drove to the area close to Ernie's work & went shoppin a little bit. We went to Michaels, World Market & Trader Joes. I loved World Market & Trader Joe's.

We finally picked up Ernie & made it home for dinner. We just crashed for the rest of the night.

I slept in yesterday & Ruth & I stayed home all day watching movies & eating. Not very productive but we were tired. :) We did go out for Chinese last night & then to Starbucks.

Today Ruth has a dentist appointment, we'll probably go to Starbucks sometime (okay, maybe I am addicted), we may start our scrapbooking & tonight we have church & will probably go out for dinner again.

Yes, I'm having a very fun week so far!

I had a slight accident yesterday when I was walking down the wood staircase in my socks & about 5 or 6 steps up from the ground I slipped, fell on my tailbone & bumped my way down the rest of the stairs. I'm still a tad sore today but it could've been worse.

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