Thursday, February 09, 2006

This should be quick, Ruth is picking up Ernie from work right now & I'm taking care of the meatloaf & potatoes in the oven. This has been such a nice week, I can't believe I go home tomorrow night! The trip was actually a great length, long enough to enjoy, but short enough to not miss Ray to much. :)

My friends are very sweet, too. Ray has a problem of not eating if I'm not there to feed him & today Rach told me she thought of inviting him to dinner & Ray called today to tell me Charisse has made dinner for him to take home. Keith also cooked Tuesday night so thankfully he seems to be doing okay. I really don't get how he can starve like that.

Today Ruth & I went across the street to Stephanie Bhatt's house & her sister-in-law Ai Ai was there with her kids, too. It was a very nice time & we had yummy BLT's.

Anyway, time to go!

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