Thursday, February 16, 2006

This morning started bright & early with a stop at Panera Bread & then breakfast at Rachel's. We hadn't spent any quality time together in awhile so we spent some time talking & watching her magical belly shift around (I love watching the baby move in there - less than 6 weeks to go!).

I ran some errands & got some work done for Ray but then, after lunch, I had Ray massage me & then I fell asleep! Oops! That wasn't supposed to happen. It sure was nice though. :) Now he's off to work & I have more stuff to get done around the house.

Yesteryda was my parents 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I meant to write something on here about it but forgot. :) Anyway, happy anniversary! Ya'll should check out my Mom's blog to see just how sweet & romantic my Dad is.

Has anyone seen the commercial that is on during the Olympics with the middle-ages couple ice skating/dancing to "Do the Hustle?" I also like the one with the bobsled practice on the sofa.

And now I've run out of words.

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