Friday, March 10, 2006

Another Friday and a weekend ahead with no big plans! Its always a little unreal when I have a "free" weekend because I'm not really used to them. Because since I'm out of school I don't have to spend the time studying either.

Ray will probably be gone at work most of the day which means I'll be stuck at home without a car. I don't mind too much though. My car is definitely dead after last Saturday. They thought it was just the timing belt, replaced that & then found out the water pump is broken. Its just too expensive to fix the car.

As many problems as we've had with that thing, it did get me around for over four years & I actually grew kind of fond of it. A big THANK YOU goes to dad because he's the one who gave me the car. :)

Anyway, we're looking for another one but I'm not sure how long it'll be before we find something. Thankfully it should be pretty easy for us to get by with just one car for now.

I'm still waiting for Ray to come home tonight, just so I can *visit* with him for a little while before I go out for a girls night. Wednesday at our weekly pizza dinner Jen invited me to go out & when I got home I had a message on myspace from Audrey inviting me to the same get together! So, Jen will be picking me up around 6:45, we're all going to dinner at the Green Iguana & then we're catching a 10:00 showing of Failure to Launch.

Time to get ready!

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