I think I did my own dishes once when they were here. I would cook & all of a sudden my kitchen was clean. Sometimes, I would'nt even have to cook. One time I was doing yard work & when I came in there were fresh cookies waiting for me! They swept, mopped, folded laundry, ironed, cleaned the bathroom, dusted, vacuumed, pulled weeds & even helped us pass out piano fliers in the neighborhood!
They didn't just work, of course. We had a lot of fun too. We watched movies, visited Rachel & the baby, went on a walk to the park & even played 3 games of monopoly.
Jo & Christiana at the park

Me at the park

Leah at the park

I crushed them in our first Monopoly game (Jo won the last two).

Yeah, they were begging for mercy. :)

Ray (who is still 8 years old) & Christiana like to "fart" on each other. DOn't even ask.

A nice breakfast together.

After the girls left Ray kept commenting that he missed them. He had actually called their Mom earlier in the week & worked it out so they stayed with us a little longer than planned. But after they were gone he was thinking that maybe they could come back this week or come stay with us once a month. It was really sweet. We were rather lonely once they were gone, the house was much quieter & not nearly as much fun.
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