Thursday, March 30, 2006

I have to admit, I know I have a pretty sweet deal teaching piano at home. It really is very little time & effort on my part. It does take patience, but that's a good quality to work on anyway.

I had a new student today (her sister came yesterday). They've already had lessons before but its been about a year. Still, when the girl came yesterday I was pretty impressed, she was the most advanced student I had. But it turns out her sister is even more advanced. I quickly became concerned about my ability to teach her or even to keep up with mistakes she might make.

I decided to fake it until I make it. :) Okay, so it turned out not to be so bad & I didn't really have to fake it. She was a bit rusty which probably made it easier for me to keep up with the mistakes she made. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep her as a student for awhile!

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