Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I figured it was time to post. Thanks for all the congrats, we're very excited! :) I've actually known for about a month so that could be one reason I haven't posted as much lately. You may have also figured that this is why I've been sick. Blech.

I'm doing much better this week, but I'm still having trouble eating and keeping the food down. I'll be quite glad when the first trimester is over (assuming that the nausea will go with it!). I have the usual tiredness but I also tend to be restless when I sleep at night. I'm loving the times I'm able to nap in the afternoon! :)

Anyway, Megan left me last Friday . Actually, I rode to Orlando with she & Keith. Ray came Saturday, he had a paintball party & had to work on taxes.

What a great weekend! I was able to eat some real food & go out & do stuff. Mom, Megan & I met up with Rebecca & Heather at Starbucks on Park Avenue Saturday afternoon. It was so much fun! I bought a cute new top at Gap too (I hadn't shopped there in forever but the shirt was only $6.99!).

Greg & Melissa came over with the boys & the Nix's came over with their three girls. There was gorgeous weather & we all ate dinner outside in the yard. We also ended up with some naked sprinkler dancing from the three littlest kids. It was so funny, especially since we were trying to keep their bottoms on. But those kids can pull them off so fast!

Easter Sunday was nice, we went to church in the morning & announced the pregnancy and then we went to the Sherwoods for Easter lunch. There were about 50 people there & tons of food. I was so exhausted that Darlene made me take a nap so I ended up missing the water balloon launcher (the nap was nicer than launching water balloons, though). :)

We stopped at Ray's Dads' on the way home to share the news with him & then finally made it back to our place.

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