Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm feeling much better today. Actually, compared to last week this week has been much better, yesterday being the lowest so far.

The key for me is to eat. But, I'm only able to get down certain foods, & its not the usual healthy stuff that I used to eat. I even bought a lunchable today. Yuck! But, it sure does sound good. The good news is I'm still enjoying fruit so at least I'm getting a little nutrition.

I also haven't had to cancel any of my piano appointments this week. I'm expecting the next one to arrive in less than ten minutes.

For three nights this week Ray & I are staying at his dads house in Dade City in order to keep an eye on Ray's 18-year-old step-sister. She was going to be left alone until she was found in a hammock with a boy a couple of weeks ago. Its actually nice to get out of the house & have food to eat that I don't have to cook. Plus, they have many, many clear channels on their tvs. :)

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