Saturday, May 20, 2006

We ended up having a very nice anniversary. The best part was definitely the heartbeat. Ray was so cute, before we left he was trying to get the microphone to work with our laptop so that he could bring the laptop with us & record the heartbeat. When that didn't work he asked if I wanted him to bring the camera to take pictures. So, he brought the camera & snapped away as I had my blood pressure taken & as the midwife searched for the heartbeat. He's so funny sometimes. I'm very glad he's so excited about all of this.

Finding the heartbeat

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We went to the pizza place with his grandmother & then to target because Ray wanted to itemize & price everything we're going to need for the baby. I kid you not. He can truly be so anal at times.

We then went home & I took the most prized nap. I'm truly enjoying nap times now. I figure I better get them in while I can!

Ray left for work for a bit & while he was gone I made him his favorite dessert: Chocolate Raspberry Torte. Its so good. When he got back he had a really sweet card for me & four red roses, one for each year we've been married.

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We then headed to the movies & at the last minute decided to see The Sentinel. Thankfully it was pretty good & we both enjoyed it. It wouldn't win any Oscars but I'm sure it was better than RV.

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