Monday, May 15, 2006

What a fun & busy weekend! So much so that I wasn't on the computer all day yesterday.

Saturday night I went out with Charisse & two of her girlfriends, Dawn & Sherry. We went to Macaroni Grill for appetizers & then we were supposed to head out to the movie. But, we ended up sitting around talking for so long at the restaurant that it got too late for us to see the movie (I'm glad, I have a hard time staying awake in a theater after about 10:00 anymore).

As much as I don't like Macaroni Grill (as I've told Ray before I'd be happy if I never had to eat there again) it was nice to go there because I had gift certificates to use. And, I'd been craving fried calamari. It wasn't as good as Carrabbas but it did the trick. :)

Instead of the movie we went across the street to Coldstone Creamery. It was DELICIOUS! It was so much fun hanging out with the girls and meeting new people. I'm glad the age difference doesn't seem to matter. Charisse is the one who brought it up, but thankfully it was after they had talked to me for awhile so they knew that just because I'm 22 & they're in their 30's it doesn't mean we can't hang out. I love how young I am as long as its not a disadvantage.

Charisse also raved about my Mom while we were out. She was telling Dawn & Sherry that you'd never believe it was my Mom. She looks so young, has big boobs, a tiny waist, perky but, styled hair, nice clothes, etc. It was so cute. And I had to tell my Mom that people were saying such nice things about her to strangers. :)

Yesterday morning I woke up to a Mother's Day card from Ray. It was completely unexpected. He addressed it to "Hot Sexy Momma To Be." :) That was my favorite part of the card. I was also surprised at how many people at church told me happy mother's day. Quite frankly, I didn't expect it because the baby isn't here yet so I haven't had the experience of raising a child at all. It was really sweet of them though.

After a nice afternoon nap we went to a family get together & had Mexican food for dinner. One of my favorites (especially when I don't have to cook!).

And last night was filled with good shows. I can't wait for the finale of Grey's Anatomy tonight!

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