Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I really love these spatulas from Williams-Sonoma. Not only are they in my color, green, but they're personalized! If I didn't have so many other items on my wish list (ahem, clothes that actually FIT) I might add these.

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The clothes are on my mind because I was either actually thinking about them last night/this morning, or I had a dream about them. All I know is that I was adding up the clothes I need to buy in the near future & comparing it against the money I have to actually buy them & realizing that I am probably way over my budget. Even if it was just a dream, I think it was an accurate dream.

It sure would be nice to have some silver or Gold right now. Especially with the rising cost of gas. The interesting thing is that you could take a single amount of silver and get the same amount of gas today as you could have ten years ago. This is because it is only the price of our dollar that has decreased, not the price of silver. It has been recommended by investment experts that at least 10-20% of your assets (if not more) be in tangible assets such as silver or gold.

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