Friday, June 23, 2006

Early Saturday afternoon I walked into the kitchen, home from my brunch with Erin. On the island I found a nice little green pamphlet:

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I opened it up to find one page with a description of the "spa" and another page with a schedule of activities:

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The back of the pamphlet had a personal message from Ray & a picture of the two of us. I told him I didn't want him to buy me a birthday present & this was truly the best gift I've ever received!

He spent all day with me. He made me lunch while I just lounged around (& thought "so this is what it feels like to be a guy"). He massaged my hands, my feet, my face & even got out my paraffin wax spa & dipped my hands & feet in that. It was incredible. My favorite part was the full body massage. He had heated up a pot of water & while he massaged my legs he had a hot towel across my back. It was incredible! *edit: just realized I wrote the same thing twice - guess I really mean it!

He also gave me a great pedicure. It looks so nice (he's quite proud of his work).

We were going to go out to Lee Roy Selmons for dinner but I prefer Carrabbas. Apparently, the baby does not prefer Carrabbas. It was a delicious meal & Ray & I had the same thing, but a few hours later I was very sick & laying on the bathroom floor (I had made it a month without vomiting, too).

Anyway, it was still a fabulous birthday present! He is spoiling me....

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