Thursday, June 22, 2006

I know I should post, but I've been very busy & we're leaving for our vacation tomorrow! I'm really looking forward to it. This will probably be our last vacation together before the baby arrives and we haven't been away together in eight months.

Our first stop will be Kentucky, where we'll spend about a week at my grandparents & go to my brothers wedding in Cincinatti on June 30. The next day, July 1, we're driving to Marietta, GA for Dave & Ashley's wedding. Then, on July 2, we'll drive to Asheville, NC (we can't leave that out of our trip!) & I think we'll be home July 4. Yea!

I have no idea what time we''re going to leave tomorrow, but Ray wants to be all packed up tonight. Good luck, Honey. It's already after 9:30, I've packed nothing, & I'm still doing laundry. It doesn't matter though, he realized that there's not way we're leaving early tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time to post before we go!

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