Friday, June 09, 2006

Megan transcribed two very funny bits from The Office finale that I decided to share. Of course, if you don't watch the show it may not be that funny but if you do you'll understand why I posted. :)

Michael: I am going to donate to Afghanistani's with aids.

Jim: Oh, I think you mean the Aid to Afghanistan.

Michael: No, I mean Afghanistani's with Aids.

Phyllis: Afghani

Michael: What?

Phyllis: Afghani.

Michael: That's a dog.

Pam: No, that's afghan.

Michael: That's a shawl.

Dwight: Wait, canine aids?

Michael: No, humans with aids.

Creed: Who has aids?

Jim: Guys, the Afghanistinani's!


Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, everytime I try to do something fun or exciting you make it not that way. I much about the things that you choose to be....

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