Sunday, June 11, 2006

I wrote this post mostly last Saturday but didn’t get it published (call me lazy with my blog). :p

Ray is finally home from his trips. He left with three of his Sunday School kids on Monday. The ones who memorized the first chapter in James were taken by Ray on a camping trip. I think they went somewhere about 2-2.5 hours north of here (High Springs?) & camped out for two nights. They also went hiking, tubing & canoeing. They even got to feed deer & saw a wild bear along the side of a road (&, of course, the alligators).

Ray got home around 10:30 Wednesday night & was gone again by about 11:15 Thursday morning. This time he was at Anclote Key/Island? with some of the guys for Dave G’s bachelor party. He got home from that around noon today & now he’s at work until who knows when.

I was able to get a lot done around the house with Ray being gone. Not to mention a little extra relaxing. :) I spent Thursday night with Rachel since Conrad was also on the island &, amazingly, Ruth slept for about 14 hours. It was unbelievable! Not only did she fall asleep around 8:30 but she was in bed until 10:15 the next morning! (Aside from a couple of feedings, of course) Rach & I were bad & had McDonald’s for dinner & then Chickfila for lunch. It was so much fun hanging out just us girls...kind of like old times. :)

Yesterday afternoon I went out with Heather, who’s in town from West Palm Beach while Nick is also on the island, & we went out together. She wanted to take me out shopping for some new clothes. I was so thrilled! We ended up finding two really cute tops. One was so cute I put it on in the car & wore it to dinner with some of the ladies we met up with. They aren’t maternity tops, but there is room to grow & the big thing was just finding something cute that fits my bust now! While out shopping we saw an ice sculptor on the sidewalk by one of the shops (I have no idea why he was there).

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We ate dinner at a sushi place (of course I just watched everyone eat sushi while I had some tempura shrimp & veggies) & then Heather spent the night at my place. We of course talked a lot, this was only the second time since I’ve been married that we’ve been able to hang out together alone. We ate pumpkin bread & strawberries for breakfast on the back porch & then picked up some Starbucks.

This afternoon was Ashley’s bridal shower (Heather’s sister-in-law to be) so we picked up Rach & the baby & went to the shower. The house was kind of new & giving me a headache & the baby need a nap so Rach & I left after about an hour & a half. It was a nice little visit though.

So that’s pretty much been my week. I LOVED my time alone but I’m so glad to have Ry back!

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