Thursday, June 15, 2006

This week is our Vacation Bible School at church & we have a safari theme. Erin & Nathan did a fabulous job pulling this together. The decorations look very cool. They made it dark inside & when you walk in the entrance there are actual tree branches all over the ceiling & going up the walls, fruit crates & fake boulders piled around, a fog machine going off & blue, green & red spotlights shining strategically in the branches.

The entrance/kids registering.

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In the main auditorium there are the same kind of decorations all over - palms, boulders, crates, etc., but this is the main set-up in one corner.

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On the first night, right before the Bible lesson, Ray came out as the kids Safari Guide (if you can't tell the staff have matching shirts that say: Jungle Jims Safari Tours on the front & Tour Guide with a Bible verse on the back). Anyway, he looked so cute all dressed up & he talked to the kids about items you'd need on a safari but tied them in to our everyday lives with Bible verses (example: a flashlight with the verse from Psalms: They word is a lamp unto my feet....). He did such a good job!

Ray, safari guide.

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And, to finish the photos, Erin & I during snack time.

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