Monday, June 12, 2006

Its already time for another prenatal appointment. We're scheduled for Wednesday morning & I'm so excited to hear the heartbeat again! The baby is growing very rapidly at this point & should be plenty big that he/she can't hide from us anymore.

Sometimes it seems like I can feel the baby going through a growth spurt. Every once in awhile I get very distinct ligament pain. Not all the time, but maybe every few days & it just lasts for a bit.

Right now he is about 3.5 inches crown to rump. By the end of the week he'll be about 4 inches, although if you were to measure crown to heel he'd be 6 inches! That's three inches longer than just two weeks earlier! It is honestly difficult to believe at times that I have a teeny tiny person growing inside of me. Its such an amazing miracle. I'm sure that once I'm showing & I can feel the baby kicking it'll be a little easier to believe.

Speaking of which, I think I finally look like I'm showing a teeny tiny bit. Not that others would be able to notice - I can only make myself look pregnant if I stand a certain way. I have gained 1-2lbs. though. Actually, more if you count what I lost with the morning sickness but have now gained back. But only a couple pounds past my initial weight when I became pregnant.

So, there's my little baby update. If you can't tell I'm still absolutely thrilled (& would bet money that I'm having a boy!).

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