Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Had my appointment this afternoon! I love going for my pre-natal appointments.

Apparently we were quite relaxed today because my BP was 105/60 & the baby's heartbeat was in the 140's. The ultrasound is scheduled for four weeks from today. I went from not knowing whether or not I wanted to find out the gender to dying to find out. I'm still convinced its a boy (Ray is getting girl vibes). I'd love a girl, but at this point I've been thinking its a boy so much that I don't know what I'd do with myself if it is a girl!

And, I'm still hearing, "you're so tiny!" When I told one friend I've gained abut 10 pounds she pointed to my boobs & asked, "What? Five here & five there?" So that's the general consensus: I'm tiny but the boobs keep growing. And, if you ask my grandmother, I'm "spreading in the back." lol She told me that's why she thinks I'm having a boy.

I do have my pre-natal yoga class tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to that, I still love working out!

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