Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I made it through most of the night without having to get up to use the bathroom, but once I got up I did myself in. I went back to bed & just laid there awake for awhile, long enough that I was too hungry to fall back asleep. Thankfully, by this point, it was almost 6am so I got up, started some laundry & made breakfast.

It is rather invigorating to be up this early again. Just a year ago 6:00 was sleeping in for me (I'm sure once the baby gets here it will be like that again!). Now that I'm going to bed later & more tired than I used to be I just let myself sleep as long as there is nowhere to be in the morning. I'm so glad I'm teaching from home. I'm trying to relish in this last stage of being able to relax virtually whenever I want.

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