Thursday, July 27, 2006

I can't believe this week is almost over. I guess it usually goes pretty quickly here at camp. I always love being here, but this week has definitely been very frustrating. Its a bit validating to find out from others here that we're not the only ones having a hard time.

I'm having a great time getting to see people that I hadn't seen since the last time I was at camp (last July). James & I have been hanging out a bunch & getting a chance to talk. He is one of the funniest guys & dead pans so much. And the more tired you are, the funnier he gets.

Today Joanna & I drove over to Ocala to a party store in order to pick up the champagne fountain for banquet tomorrow night. That took about two hours & I managed to resist the temptation to pull into the Starbucks & Barnes & Noble that I passed on our way. The good news is that we were gone around lunch time so we got to eat lunch away from camp! I've had cravings for Fazolis since I've been pregnant but we don't have any in Tampa so I was thrilled to find one today! Jo was very happy to get Chickfila instead of camp food. She never understood why so many of us don't like it until she came here this week. I think my taste buds may have changed a bit too (maybe the pregnancy) because I'm having a more difficult time eating the food. It doesn't help that a lot of it upsets my digestive system, too.

I was talking to one of the staffers tonight & he's convinced that the rooms are bugged. Actually, more than one staffer believes that. All I know is that if our lounge is bugged than the powers-that-be have heard some pretty good stuff this week & a lot of laughing (you say some silly stuff when you're tired!). We've been hanging out late at night in the lounge either working on program stuff or just relaxing.

Last night I was up with the guys until 1am which just about wiped me out. Usually we have to be at leaders prep at 7am so I go to bed earlier, but Conrad cancelled leaders prep this morning so I knew I'd be able to sleep in. Of course, even with sleeping in, I still fell asleep around 2 pm after I took my shower. Its okay though, I know that my body is working hard & I just need more rest than normal.

I'm finally starting to feel my belly getting in the way. Its mostly when I sit down and I can feel this weight kind of pushing into me. I did have two people notice that I was pregnant this week who didn't already know. I was so excited! Its nice to know that I can look pregnant & not just thicker in the middle.

Jo & Rach also felt the baby kick this week, they're the only ones other than Ray & I who've felt it. I layed in bed the other night & kept watching my belly move. Its so entertaining.

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