Monday, July 24, 2006

We made it to camp safe & sound! Being program staff is great, especially when you don't have an speciic duties. Since I'm pregnant there are a ot of things I'm not asked to do. I still try to sneak in as much as I can, but I did get a nice long nap this afternoon. :) I've also been practicing for my first skit this evening.

Our theme this week is Rome & the scenery & props that Conrad made are really good. James wrote an entire script of a murder mystery taking place in ancient Rome & I play Tullia, the humble servant girl, who ends up revealing the murderer at the end of the week. Its so much fun dressing up & getting into character for things.

I'm also doing a lot of the photography for this week but I don't think I'm doing the best job. I'm not very good at action shots or at taking pictures of people I don't know. I think if I don't really want the picture than they don't turn out as well.

So, we're having a lot of fun & keeping busy. The baby is a huge hit out here & is being so good. Our room is next to Rach & Con's & I haven't heard the baby crying at night at all.

Ray is the boat driver this week. I didn't realize what a reputation he has because of his boat driving "skills." Apparently he is one of the faster more wild boat drivers. And he loves it. Crazy guy.

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