Saturday, July 08, 2006

Sorry about the belly pics being at the top of the page for so long! I actually started the below post on Saturday & never finished it. Oops. :)

Friday night Keith came over to pick Megan up & go out for dinner. I found out that Ray was going to Conrad & Rachel's to help with the camp project, which would leave me all alone (I couldn't go because I can't be around the paint). :( I was able to talk Megan & Keith into staying with me for the evening instead of going out. Woohoo!

We ate grilled cheese for dinner & then I made superbly super strong coffee. I'm known among my friends for my coffee. Not only my addiction but also the way I make it so strong.

As we were sitting around something came up about the former legalistic home school group our families used to belong to, ATI, headed by Bill Gothard. shudder I had the bright idea to see if they had a myspace page (we wanted to see the families in their blue & white). :) We actually found more sites for ATI venting & "healing" than anything else. That provided a good deal of laughs as well. We also found the below picture which cracked me up.

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We were on our laptops until after 11 I think, & also found an old friend online & found out she's now expecting a baby boy any day now & married a Canadian guy last month. It definitely doesn't take much to keep us entertained.

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