Friday, July 07, 2006

Grand debut!

The baby finally seems to be making an appearance. Apparently my "popping" date was 18 weeks. So here is the belly now compared to when I got pregnant. I usually try to always keep my stomach muscles tight. But, that is becoming tiresome so the photo on the far right is closer to what I look like most of the time now.

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He's also been kicking up a storm. I'm quite enjoying it but I was telling my Mom yesterday that I don't like telling people I'm enjoying the kicks because some women are so negative that they like to respond with, "Oh Honey, just you wait, you're going to get so tired ot it!" Thanks a lot. Thankfully, my Mom said that even when she was farther along she still enjoyed it & I have a feeling I'll be the same way. The best is when they tickle & I start to laugh out loud. (thankfully I'm usually alone when that happens) I have yet to don maternity clothes, aside from one shirt that I bought this week & wore when seeing Megan & Rach for the first time in awhile, just because it makes me look pregnant. :)

Ray and & are still recovering from out trip. He was a little sick out first day back & we've been playing catch up with a lot of work (we're no where near done). Megan is also staying with us for a bit this week to help Rach & Con with a super secret camp project. :) Myabe not super secret, but we like to tell ourselves that it is.

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