Sunday, July 30, 2006

Warning: Picture heavy post (& I obviously can't get the sizing right)

Every Friday night at the end of the camp week we hold a "banquet" which is supposed to correspond to the theme for the week. Conrad is known for going all out with his banquets (he plans, Rachel executes) & this year tops the list. They received so many remarks from people about that being the best banquet they'd ever seen (even from people who've been at camp for years).

The banquet is held in the dining hall, a less than fabulous building: cement floors, white walls, bad curtains. We turned it into a Roman city (note that any doors you see actually work & open up - he also made the arch!).

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For the table decorations we froze molds for swan ice sculptures all week & had chocolate gold coins.

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We also had a very cool champagne fountain (for us it was koolaid & lemonade) to which we added dry ice.

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Conrad also made an actual working fountain on the stage. Here's Ben & David enjoying the refreshing water.

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Towards the end of the night we added dry ice to the fountain too.

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Val & Steve made a quick surprise trip so we were able to see them. Here's Rach, me & Val.

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We also performed our last skit of the week in which I revealed the murderer. The two skits on Friday were the only ones that had all five of us in them at once. This created quite a comedic act, especially since we hadn't really memorized our lines. I was even laughing while I was up there.

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This is my friend Craig, he & I have been hanging out together at camp during the summer since he was 11. He came dressed as a Roman guard so I took his picture in front of our "prison" scenery.

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And, finally, a belly shot of Val & I. Here I'm approximately 22 weeks pregnant & she's about 29.

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