Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Edited per Kim's request. Here's my most recent belly shots from two days ago:

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We started our registry today!!! Not much is on it yet, we were in a bit of a hurry. I've been wanting to start on it for a little while but Ray really wants to be a part of it so I was waiting to be able to go with him. So, we had a breakfast date at Panera's & then went to Target (we're like ships in the night sometimes so evening dates don't work out the best for us - I guess we're a tad unconventional!).

This afternoon I got the itch to start cleaning out the nursery (aka junk room for the past year). I can't believe how much better it looks! You can actually walk in there now. I cleaned up all of my stuff & now the rest is up to Ray! People keep asking if we've started on/finished the nursery so I guess now I can say yes.

The big (only) ultra sound is now less than a week away. Ray is still getting girl vibes, I'm still getting boy. So, I've created a poll in my sidebar for ya'll to give your opinion. :) I haven't had a poll on here in years.

All of that cleaning wore me out. I'd love to work out now, but we have chapel in just a little bit so I know I need to rest first. And, tonight is pizza night so I doubt I'll do any exercising when we get home!

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