Sunday, August 06, 2006

My nice little weekend away in Orlando is coming to an end. I'm so exhausted. I arrived at my parents on Friday & we spent the evening at the Nix's house. We ate a Mexican fiesta (limeade - no margaritas! - for me), sat around & talked, had some fabulous chocolate chocolate cookies with heath bar & cherries with coffee, swam in the pool & played pool. I enjoyed talking to Renee too, since she's also into natural childbirth & had her youngest child at home, too. Its always nice to talk to other Mom's who've gone that route.

Saturday morning Mom & I went for chicken biscuits at Chickfila & then coffee at Starbucks. One of my favorite things. :) After going home for a bit we went out to Ross. I had no idea they had maternity clothes! I was so excited at my finds. I had been saving some birthday money to buy a nice pair of maternity jeans. Instead, I found a great pair of jeans & two other pairs of pants as well as four shirts all for about $55! I'm still so thrilled at my finds!

The rest of the day we relaxed, went to Barnes & Noble & I really don't remember what we did last night. I was at church for quite a while this morning & was so glad to be able to stay for the worship meeting. Its so refreshing to be able to stay in church. I talked to a lot of people & got some nice little belly rubs.

now I'm eating some delicious cranberry orange scones & getting ready to hear home.

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