Friday, August 11, 2006

I just got back from our meeting with a mortgage broker a little while ago. I think it went well & it was very informative, even if we don't go with his company. Hopefully within a month I'll have time to take the class & get my license so we can get things rolling before the baby comes.

Yesterday I went out to lunch with some of the people from my old office. We went to Maggiano's & I ordered the chicken pesto soup. It was so good! And, with tip & everything I only paid $4.25. Not bad for lunch at Maggiano's!

I informed my former co-workers that we are expecting a girl. So, the discussion of names came up & then the discussion of not-so-great names. The younger attorney, Lori, told us about one of her friends who works with juveniles at a court house in Georgia or something & compiles a list of weird names she comes across.

One of the most common? Mercle.

Why? Because the parents think that they are naming their child Miracle. "My child is such a Mercle."

How terrible is that??? Poor kids. And terrible that such a large majority of the population there don't know how to spell!

And, I know I just posted a belly shot last week, but I'm giving it another go already. Only because I took this weeks shot last night & couldn't believe the difference between last week & this week (my Mom thought I had a growth spurt while I was there last weekend!). It's going to be fun to see just how huge I get.

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