Thursday night I made vegetable soup & rolls for dinner. I have yet to find a good dinner roll recipe (my baking powder is new but the rolls were still a tad dense). Keith came over around 8:00 & we chatted a bit before he & I hopped in the car to go to Starbucks. He was really sweet & bought me coffee & we had lots of fun talking some more.
We talked about our blogs & different writing styles. I'm never all that impressed by my blog because I am a good journalistic writer but terrible at being creative. So, when I read others blogs (such as Megan's) mine just seems boring to me. I love what Keith told me. He said that he liked the way I write, that it reminds him of opening a People magazine & reading a feature article. What a nice guy.
Friday was less than exciting but very busy. Ray has a house he's been trying to sell for a good portion of this year. The owners live in Canada, their house is vacant, has an ant infestation (dead ants EVERYWHERE!) & the place hadn't been cleaned in probably close to a year. Ray finally convinced these clients to hire someone to clean their home once a month. Well, we figured we'd like to get paid to clean if they were going to hire someone anyway so we went over Friday evening. It took about 3.5 hours to clean this VACANT house with BOTH of us working. I scarfed down the Wendy's we picked up afterward & then watched some of Delovely before finally crashing into bed.
Saturday I overslept but made it to Jen's house for another scrapbooking day. We're trying to make this a monthly event. This time one of her other friends, Libby, joined she, Jamie & me. I was there for about 7.5 hours & scrapbooked a grand total of 2 pages. We ate first, then scrapbooked, then ate again & we talk a whole lot. But its a lot of fun, even if I don't get a lot of work done.
On my way home I called Charisse & we decided to go out together. So, I stopped at home for about 20 minutes & then she & I went to the movies. I let her pick & she loves dance movies so we saw Step Up. It really wasn't something I would normally watch at the theater but it was a decent movie & we had a lot of fun. We were tehre early so we spent about the first 45 minutes eating nachos & talking.
I'm so tired today. Ray gave me a nice back rub though & I was able to fall asleep for a nap. Now, I need something chocolate.
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