Friday, August 18, 2006

Some of my piano families bother me. One in particular really stresses me out. The mom is very nice, but being nice is no excuse for poorly behaved kids running around my house, kicking the wall & slamming their jam hands on my sliding glass door.

I have another mom who stays with her young son while the other one takes & lesson & she's great. She actually interacts with her child & makes sure he behaves.

But this other mom, I teach her two oldest children so they're here for an hour & she also has another little boy who's about three. Up until now they've been taking 10am lessons during the summer. Since school just started they took a week off & I had them this past Wednesday at 3:30. All day long I found myself tense & stressed out about them coming over.

All I can say is thank goodness for afternoon lessons for these kids! It appears they've burned off enough energy during the day now (even the three-year-old!) that they were so much quieter than usual. I really hope it stays this way. It hasn't been quite bad enough to say anything to the mom plus, I hate confrontation!


Simmons Jannace & Stagg represented a widow whose husband died in the September 11th attacks. They represented her against her former attorney who was seeking a two million dollar contingency fee to be paid by the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund; contingency fees were disfavored by the fund. As far as I know, this is the first decision stating that disputes over attorney’s fees that arise out of the fund should be litigated in the state courts.

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