I had my glucose test this morning - the drink at the birthing center is actually good! It was a little ten ounce bottle & it had the consistency of water & tasted like orange soda without the carbonation. I was glad it wasn't as bad as I've heard it can be.
I went to visit Rach afterwards & then did grocery shopping so I've eaten very erratically today, too. I think that may also be contributing to my exhaustion.
Our weekend was really great & very relaxing. We did get a flat tire on our way home, only about 40 miles into our drive, so now I have to take the car for a new tire this week. Amazingly, after all of the bad food this weekend, I didn't gain anything! I guess I ate better than I usually do on a weekend away since I knew I'd be weighed today. :)
Heather & me at her beautiful house:

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