Monday, June 25, 2007

Because of my evening piano lessons & Ray's unpredictable work schedule, we've decided that night time dates don't make much sense for us & that we should start doing stuff together during the day. So, Friday afternoon we had a mall date! Maybe it doesn't sound exciting to you, but I had birthday money burning a hole in my pocket & I'd been receiving e-mails about sales different stores were having.

That's one nice thing about my birthday, it's timed right around some of the huge sales! I found a few things but I still have a lot of my money left, I try to spend very wisely. Express Men was also having a sale so Ray was able to use one of his gift certificates & get a couple of really nice dress shirts. They look so good on him!

We also grabbed some lunch & coffee & just had such a fun day. If Ray hadn't needed to get to work I could've kept him there a lot longer...we didn't even get to touch Pottery Barn! :)

I honestly have no clue what I did on Saturday.

On Sunday we had church, then Erin & Nathan treated us to Mexican for lunch, then we went to our friend Avrils & finally made it home! We were only there about an hour & half before leaving again for the evening meeting at church.

Today was very nice. Ray was home for a bit so while Addison napped I ran some errands alone & then my friend Marillia came over for a couple of hours. It was so lovely! We had coffee & I made homemade scones with fresh whipped cream & strawberry jam. I also made some little chicken/veggie bread. We had such a nice time visiting.

Addison & Marillia

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