Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh goodness, it's been awhile. My memory is still so much worse than before I really don't recall much of last week. I'm sure part of this is because many of my days have some similarity - clean, cook, teach piano, take care of Addison, go to Target.

I do know that last Friday I cleaned to back porch off so that it had a little sparkle added to it & I made some homemade espresso chocolate biscotti. My parents also came over Friday & we did pizza & a movie that night. We watched The Queen which was okay, Helen Mirren did a fabulous job.

Saturday morning my mom went grocery shopping with me at Sam's & Target. I had speaker duty Sunday after church so I had to get stuff to prepare the meal. Saturday was wonderful weather-wise. It would get sunny, then overcast & thunderstorm. Then it would get sunny again & then we'd get another thunderstorm. It actually stormed so bad that my parents ended up staying another night. My mom also picked up the new Harry Potter while we were out so I was able to start reading it the day it was released! It's so good so far although part of me doens't want to read it to quickly because I don't want it to be over. :)

Saturday night we watched The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio which I bought at Blockbuster for less than it costs to rent a movie! I'd heard of it over a year ago & wanted to see it but kept forgetting about the movie. I enjoyed it even though it was a bit sad.

Sunday we went to church & then had some people over for lunch. We had a brief break when everyone left around 4:00 but we had to leave for church around 5:30. The evening meeting was wonderful. Gabe spoke on Romans 14, which happened to be just the topics that Ray & I were debating in the car earlier that day. I love how the Lord does that.

After the meeting we stopped at one of Ray's clients homes to drop some papers off as well as a baby present. We got to see their five-day-old baby girl! She actually weighed an ounce & a half bigger than Addison did when she was born & yet I couldn't believe how tiny she was! I can't believe how much Addison has grown, she'll be eight months old in less than a week!

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I was able to get pictures with my mom's camera while they were here so I'll be posting some later on!

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