Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ah, what a relief I finally made an appointment with the dermatologist. Part of me hates that it was so easy. I hate it because I've been putting off making this appointment for OVER A YEAR. Horrible, isn't it?

Part of the reason I've put it off is funding. I just took the time to see if this dermatologist is with my insurance provider this morning but I still don't know if my insurance will cover everything. I'm going in order to have some moles/spots looked at & possibly removed. Thankfully, because of different circumstances, we recently came upon some money set aside that we decided I could use for medical expenses.

I also need to find a "good" dentist & make an appointment. Have I mentioned that I have holes in some of my teeth now??? I found this one right in the front a few months ago & it freaked me out. I've never had a cavity or anything, I take great care of my teeth. We don't have dental so I haven't been to the dentist in about two years.

Thankfully, it's most likely not a cavity but I don't want one to develop. Hopefully one hasn't & it won't cost too much to get filled!

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