I love suprise visits & about 20 minutes later He, Allison, & their son, Micah, were at our door! Rather than sit around we headed out to Starbucks where they generously treated us to some much needed caffeine.

In the evening we went to Ray's grandmothers to celebrate his aunt's birthday. We ate some really good food & a delicious dessert for which I need to get the recipe! Addison was also able to play with her cousins.

Addison & Isabella

She really enjoyed herself!

At church on Sunday Rachel brought us some egg rolls she made the day before - Ray was so happy! They were really good (thanks, Rach!) plus I ended up not needing to cook all weekend!
In the afternoon we drove over to Ray's dad's for a dinner to celebrate Ray's birthday. This also meant more delicious food that I didn't have to cook!

Addison loved their cat, Tony, & he was a good sport & let her play with him.

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