Friday, October 05, 2007

Weekend tidbits:

-We made a quick trip (about 17 hours) to Orlando & picked up a bunch of furniture from my grandmother. We are now the owners of a king bed, love seat, wool rug, mirrors, & plants.

-Family take note: Addison's birthday party is on Saturday, December 1st, probably around 12 or 1. Location TBA.

-My mom surprised me with a $10 giftcard to Starbucks today. That just made my day, thanks mom! :)

-Have you seen Space money yet?

-Last week I was given a gift certificate for any drink free at Starbucks for being a "Regular" customer. That made my day, too!

-I made this diaper changing mat this week. I love it & have plans to make more.

-I've lost two piano students recently because they're too busy. A third grader should not have that much homework.

-I've set up a Southern Living party for Tuesday, October 23rd, 7 p.m. at my house. Any ladies who read this are most definitely invited! I think it should be fun (definitely no obligation to buy anything).

-I just want to stay home tomorrow night. I get tired being out late every night.

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